Saturday, April 30, 2011

So What Do You Think?

Alrighty! Well the Royal Wedding is done and over with, but the underlying question is "What do you think about all the hats?"

I personally think some of them were ADORABLE! But some of them were a little over the top. Now I know in the states hats like that are not as popular as they are in Britain. Except of course on Opening Day at the horse races. I mean come on...every girl would like an excuse to wear a hat like that at some point in her life. Well, at least I speak for myself, but I have yet to find the occasion. Maybe I need to take a trip to Britain so I can finally fulfill that longing! hehe

Well, enough with the rambling. I know us States girls are not as likely to wear such hats on an everyday basis, but we will wear HEADBANDS!!! I have been reading up on the headband craze (I have to since it is what I make) and everyone seems to have the same feeling that since Kate Middleton is on her way to being a fashion icon, they all state that the headband and hair fascinators are going to be even more popular than they already are!

So, here is some newbies from Bonjour Belle! Let me know what you think! I tried out a bow headband for fun and would love to hear feedback!

These are sure to make anyone say, "Hello Beautiful"!!! 

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